Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Sisyphean Spinning

Because my work situation is...in flux...at the moment (weeping, brain exploding, shrugging emoticon), I had an unexpected day off and decided, yet again, to attempt to better myself through fitness.

Don't worry, the laundry is going now. I will not neglect the laundry on this, the day I have off.

My super cool new surgeon who told me I no longer need to run if I want to keep my shins suggested cycling as a good cardio option. So I strapped on the rented shoes and snapped myself in.

A brief history of me and bicycles. I never learned to ride one as a child ("I lived on a hill!") and then, as an adult, my then BF now DH (LEARN YOUR ACRONYMS) taught me. There was drama. BUT I LEARNED.

Then I went biking with our family friend in California and attempted to adjust my sunglasses and fell off into some gravel and got a scar EXACTLY like a stigmata and gave up from there.

SO here we are.

In case you are unfamiliar, the new kind of cycling cultImeanCLASS is that you go in a room with a very fit and adorably approachable lady at the front of the room on a bike and that bike is on a pedestal. We underlings strap ourselves into our machines on the ground and then they turn on loud music and turn off the lights an then the smiling lady yells at you to pedal while she cackles but actually she's really very pretty and nice and smiling and helpful so it's like a hearty laugh. It's not HER fault I'm unfit.

Now, the darkness and the loudness struck me as very weird but I actually really, really loved it.

Because in the dark, no one can see my tears.

And the music drowns out my whimpers.

Seriously though. I cried a lot. Because I felt frustrated. My feet fell asleep during the warm up. Then they just spasmed until the ride was over. Maybe it's because of my stupid hip problem or it could be perhaps, my rented shoes were too tight. It could be perhaps, my head's not screwed on just right. Well, whatever the reason, my hip or my shoes, I sat there on my bike starting to bruise.

Bruise? You ask? Well yes. Of course. On my...what I'm going to call....undercarriage because it is simultaneously a euphemism and also a non-romantic one. BIKING HURTS!

So I chose undercarriage or foot pain for the duration.

And I feel totally awesome right now. Seriously. ENDORPHINS UP THE WAZOO.

But the pain hasn't set in. And I haven't tried to stand up in a few minutes.

I fitnessed!

Now back to our regularly scheduled laundry.


  1. The trick is to make it a habit, a routine. Which I will do one day.

  2. You need to keep at it. It takes 20 sessions for your body to get what is happening. Buy a good pair of cycling shorts. Ultimately the rewards outlast the pain
