Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Summertime and the livin' is.....crazy.
Kids are jumping and the anxiety is high.
Your daddy's workin' and your momma's unshowered.
So hush little children, don't you cry.

But, like, I like my kids, right?

I mean....you can LOVE someone more than yourself but you still can sorta kinda....feel exhausted by them on all levels.

Summer livin' had me a blast.
Summer livin' happened not so fast.
I have this girl, crazy and free.
I have this boy, cute as can be.
Summer dreams. ripped at the seams
by those, those summer fights.

Wella wella wella.

On Monday the kids went to camp and got separated for fighting.

Later that day, the girl went full manic demon nightmare child on me for the 1000000000000000 time this summer.

Would you like to recommend some literature to me? The Whole Brain Child, perhaps? WELL YEAH I GET IT HER ENTIRE BRAIN IS AMYGDALA RIGHT NOW.

Maybe a book called, No Bad Kids. This book will perhaps teach me not to feel shame about disciplining my children because I will do so WITH RESPECT.

Respectfully, girl child, would you ever so kindly stop biting me? I understand that you have flipped your lid due to underlying anxiety about leaving the safety of preschool and embarking on the glorious and terrifying journey into kinder.

How about the very clearly titled, How to Talk So Your Kids Will Listen and Listen So Your Kids Will Talk?

Me: I see you are out of your mind with rage. That must be really frustrating for you that I won't let you gouge out your brother's eyes. I wish I could let you gouge out all our eyes so the whole world could be blind. Why don't we come up with a solution together? Here, draw your feelings and we will feed it to the worry monster.

It's a cruel (cruel) summer.

The boy, of course. refuses to comply with swim lessons. Yesterday, he (somewhat sweetly) cowered in my bosom for the whole thirty minutes. But, last lesson, he spent the whole class actively trying to sabotage the class. He left the group, threw toys in the pool, and, when we told him to stop, he began the process of putting alllllll theeeee pooooool waaaater in his mouth and spitting it at the teacher and classmates. A JOY.

Now, it's not all bad. My insta will paint the most gorgeous picture of our garden, filled with yummy veggies (that they will not eat). Insta will also show you the delightful trip to the beach, where my feral children can really run free. Other "perfect internet life" highlights include a movie in the park (the three year old started a mosh pit and went home with a bloody eyebrow, but it really was the highlight of their lives), my escape to New York (siiiiiigh), and, of course, an adorable video of the girl in her ballet outfit. She hates ballet, turns out, but, really, who were we kidding, she's a hip hop girl at heart.


Two weeks to go.

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