Thursday, January 2, 2020

PARTY like you're 14 in 1999

The following is an only slightly edited excerpt from my journal over New Year's 1999.

New Year’s Eve 1999

“We’re gonna PARTY like it’s 1999...hold up--IT IS!” 

The next time I talk to you, it’ll be the new millenium. 

I just got home from Old Navy. When I was in the dressing room I was outside my door waiting for Mom,
when I recognized this guy who’d just disappeared into a dressing room.
He was wearing a red hat and a baseball shirt that said… (insert name of boy)
It was (boy’s name)!!! My heart began to race and made sure my hair was nice (it wasn’t, but oh well).
I was already wearing good clothes.
When my mom came back I tried on clothes again, and when she left, I was standing outside the door again.
She’d been gone a while. So I turned around to ask Reba where she went.
When I turned back (boy) the cutie was headed out the door.
Why did I have to turn around when I did?
I could have said “hi” to him! I was pretty pissed at myself. But I got to see him--that’s kind of a plus.
Tonight, we’re going to the McMahons. I have to paint my nails. 


(fortune cookie taped in reads, “Emphasize on your creativity”)

It’s JAN 1. 


Y2K will be AOK! 

It’s now 1:49 am and I just got home a little while ago from Amber’s. Rachel’s family was there, too.
WE HAD SO MUCH FUN! The new BSB (backstreet boys) video premiered!
First, though, MTV declared the #1 song of ‘99 and it’s….drumroll please…

It’s on RIGHT NOW! That’s one of my fave songs now. 

Anywho, the new song is “Show me the Meaning of Being Lonely.” It was sad. 

(lengthy shot for shot description of music video that is two pages long)

Nothing bad happened anywhere in the world. All is good. Sigh. I’m going to think about Backstreet Boys now. 


“I tried to think of how old I’d be when the clock struck 12 in the year 2y”

I 4got to tell you about how we all ran around Ruby Hill at midnight screaming and singing! It was SO fun!
We also made a terribly embarrassing video of us singing and dancing to BSB songs. I hope they don’t send it.
The Disney concert was on. 


Well this morning I turned on the TV and the BSB video was about to come on so I taped it and have seen it
twice since...yea... 


(cut out picture of Harry Potter on one page and Felicity on the other)

Jessie and I watched A Chorus Line and now I’m singing a song from it “What I Did for Love.” 

At supercuts today, there was this really cute guy sitting across from me. I was in a pissy mood because at
Borders, I didn’t have time to find anything plus my mom was sitting right there and his dad was there so I
couldn’t flirt at all. 

In the movie place, I saw Velvet Goldmine: Christain Bale’s latest movie. I want to see it SOO bad but my mom
won’t let me. Maybe I’ll get her to rent it and I’ll watch it with her and close my eyes at the bad parts.
It’s so stupid that she still makes me do that. I don’t care about sex scenes.
Is it going to corrupt me if I watch them? Sheesh! I just want to watch Christian dearest. (sigh).